Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just foolin' around

I am just fooling with my photos and Paint Shop Pro.
What do you think?

This is my 12 yr old Tasha. Isn't she gorgeous?

The winter wonderland in Massachusetts

but I am still soooooo ready for spring.

This one is just too cute. But they are good subjects.


Anonymous said...

Tasha is adorable! The white highlights in her coat of hair goes well with the winter touches in the photo!

I wish someday I could come and visit and see all your"kids" in person and in action....... maybe someday.

Spring will probably come to MO sooner than MA but I'm ready too. We don't have as much snow but it's been around 15 the last couple of days .... but today it's supposed to be 40!

Love, CM

Weezee said...

She is just so beautiful, not that I can be objective really.

We would love to have you visit. You are welcome anytime! Bring the family!

Weezee said...

She is just so beautiful, not that I can be objective really.

We would love to have you visit. You are welcome anytime! Bring the family!